Object Technology Solutions, Inc. Apps

WakeUp Buddy ( GPS Alarm ) 1.0
1. No more hassle in waking up at anytimeespecially in late nights, prior to your journeydestinationpoint...!2. No more assistance required from the co-passengers /attendantsfor waking you up while your destination isreaching…!3. Here is a app which would assist you in Commencing a journey inajoyful way, by providing you live alerts at your pre-setdistancefrom destination.4. Just set the distance at which you wish to be ready priortoreaching your destination while travelling by a Bus / Train /Anyother road transport, the App intelligently collects yourpresentlocation information and keeps dynamically updating untilyou reachthe pre-set distance from your destination, and what next?! analarm shall ring from your mobile and you would be alerted towakeup and get ready for deporting the respective transport.5. Say for example, you are on a journey which is 200 KM apartandyou are commuting at a speed of 60 KM/hr. In case you want analert10 minutes prior your destination, then you shall set thedistanceas 10 KM and done. Your mobile will raise an alarm prior to10KMand you can get ready for deporting.6. Wasn’t helpful? Use it and rate it. Your valuable feedbackshallhelp us to serve you better.7. Notes:a. The mobile shall have AGPS or pre-downloaded maps of thejourneypoints.b. Since the application shall be running in thebackendcontinuously for dynamic distance update, there would bearequirement for power backup based on your mobilebatterycapacity.c. The distance is calculated areal / shortest road route.